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What Is White-Label Coworking Software?

Igor Dzhebyan
Igor Dzhebyan
What Is White-Label Coworking Software?

If you have landed on this page, you are probably looking for a more efficient way to manage your coworking space. Many of your peers are now turning to coworking software. But choosing the right one can be rather challenging, especially if you are not a geeky person.

No worries, in this article, we will be exploring what is white-label coworking software and how it can benefit your coworking space.

What is White-Label Coworking Software?

White-label coworking software is software that you use to manage your flex workspace under your own brand and not the brand of the developer. Generally, a white label is any product that is made by one company and rebranded to make it look like another company made it.

Why Choosing White Label Coworking Software?

If brand consistency is essential for you, if you work on strengthening your coworking space brand and its recognizability among the customers, it is surely recommended to choose a white-label coworking space management system.

Using a white-label solution makes even more sense when you want to increase member convenience by giving them a dedicated mobile app. In this case, members take your brand wherever they go and interact with it all the time: when they book desks, meeting rooms, pay for memberships, apply for events, communicate with peers, etc.

Benefits of White-Label Software for Your Coworking Space

Now that you know what white-label coworking software is and why flex spaces choose it, the next natural question is how you and your members can benefit from it.

white-label coworking software from Spacebring

Spacebring' white-label coworking software

The answers you see below are based on our customer survey, so I believe they will resonate with your own position.

1. Customers see your logo every time they book a workspace.

People buy ideas, and the brand is essentially your way of broadcasting the idea. If you use just a Google Calendar or some random booking app, people won’t remember it and won't have any emotional connection. But if you offer custom-branded mobile apps that bear your coworking space logo, members see your brand identity every time they book a workspace, remember it, and associate their positive experience with it. This raises trust in your brand.

2. Strong brand consistency throughout all touchpoints with members helps you grow customer loyalty.

Nowadays, consumers got used to great design, the convenience of mobile apps, and the availability of services 24/7. Imagine yourself buying something online—would you give your credit card number to a sketchy website with poor design? If not, why do you expect your customers to book meeting rooms through a no-name free service that you decided to use to save some money?

3. White-label coworking apps contribute to a better customer experience.

Custom-branded mobile apps save login information, so your members don’t have to re-login every time they make a meeting room or desk booking. This provides a streamlined booking experience associated with your brand.

Empower your coworking space with user-friendly branded software

4. The white-label app ensures members get your messages, stay focused, and connected to their coworking space.

If you post events on Facebook, announce the news by email, and process room booking via Google Calendar, your members will most likely miss your next most important event. Having a separate mobile app ensures members never miss what’s going on at your coworking space because every push notification will come separately with your own name and icon.

5. Admin can also be white-label!

Not all coworking management platforms allow it, but for Spacebring users, admin is also a white label. This way, it feels like all the powerful features, such as booking calendar, invoicing, membership plans, reporting, and more, belong to your business.

Would you like to see some real-life examples of white-label coworking space apps? Here they are: All of the featured domains belong to the respected customers of Spacebring.

All of the featured domains belong to the respected customers of Spacebring.

How to Get White Label Software for Your Coworking Space

This is really simple. All you need to do is follow this link and schedule a free one-on-one demo call with our product expert. During this meeting, you will figure out how Spacebring can help you manage your coworking space easily and discuss the next steps to make the software truly yours, from admin to mobile apps.

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