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Members Unlock Coworking Space Doors with a Smartphone 24/7 Thanks to Spacebring-Kisi Integration

Helga Moreno
Helga Moreno
Members Unlock Coworking Space Doors with a Smartphone 24/7 Thanks to Spacebring-Kisi Integration
  • From now on, Spacebring enables coworking spaces to keep their doors open to paying members round-the-clock without hiring new managers for the night shifts.
  • Spacebring integration with Kisi cloud-based access control solution minimizes manual operations for managers taking care of everything from user registration to granting the mobile key.

Spacebring coworking space management software is releasing the integration with Kisi cloud access control system. The goal of integration is to automate access to flexible workspaces, making them safe and available for members whenever they need the service.

Now, managers can easily manage access to doors, lock and unlock the doors remotely, track activity data, and boost security at a workspace.

“Spacebring-Kisi integration is built for coworking spaces that focus on great user experience while taking care of physical security and revenue growth. A better office starts at the door, as we like to say.” — Bernhard Mehl, CEO at Kisi

One of the most significant benefits of Spacebring-Kisi integration is that it allows granting access to all coworking space facilities automatically in real-time. As soon as a member signs up for the coworking space app, they get an automatic email invitation to Kisi with all necessary instructions on how to use the system. At the same time, member’s data is automatically synchronized with Kisi dashboard, which saves the manager’s time and gives residents immediate access to all doors at a workspace.

andcards coworking space software integration with Kisi access control solution - members' contacts are synchronized from andcards community to Kisi dashboard

Managers grant access to members to all workspace facilities according to their membership plans. This means that only paying members have the power to open doors. Members don't have to download the Kisi app to unlock the doors with a smartphone. Mobile unlock works inside the main coworking space app they use for bookings, payments, communication, and everything else associated with workspace membership.

access control system integrated with andcards coworking software enables mangers give access to members according to their membership plans and unlock doors with a smartphone

Left image: Individual or company members sync to the relevant group on Kisi for as long as the membership plan is active. If the plan expires, access is automatically removed. Right image: Members can unlock the doors with a smartphone using their main coworking space app (Spacebring).

Integrate with the best apps to help you manage your coworking space business

More opportunities for coworking spaces provided by Spacebring-Kisi integration:

  • 24/7 access to the workspace. With Spacebring-Kisi integration, a coworking space becomes accessible any time a member needs a place to work. No access cards or physical keys are required. Manager’s presence is also optional. An authorized member just comes and unlocks the coworking space door with a smartphone, without any assistance or prior agreements. Such accessibility incredibly improves member experience. Members get access to all doors at a coworking space immediately after sign up. No waiting, no phone calls, no asking managers. When a member books a conference room using Spacebring room booking system, the Kisi app will automatically grant access to the appropriate meeting room for the booker.
  • More workspace monetization opportunities. Spacebring-Kisi integration allows coworking space owners to set a fixed price on meeting rooms, conference rooms, and phone booths. Only paying customers that booked and paid for the room through Spacebring app can access the meeting rooms.
  • Improved safety and full control over access. Coworking space becomes a safer place for residents and managers with Spacebring-Kisi integration as only authorized people are allowed. Mobile keys issued by Kisi are instantly revoked when membership is canceled or not paid on andcards. Coworking space managers always know who goes where and when, get notifications for specific events, manage access to all doors, lock and unlock the doors remotely, etc.
  • Savings on manager’s hours. The integration fully automates access to a coworking space. Managers don’t have to do anything manually. Members sign up for coworking space app and get instructions on using the access control system. Their info on Spacebring app is automatically synchronized with Kisi dashboard, which not only saves manager’s time but reduces the risks of human errors. Managers can grant access to coworking space based on a membership plan. For as long as the plan is active, members have access to the workspace, as soon as the plan expires — members lose their access.

Find out more info about Spacebring-Kisi integration and its benefits for flexible workspaces on Spacebring website. If you haven’t tried Spacebring yet, sign up for a demo call.

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